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Greene Broillet for Autism Speaks


The legal team at Greene Broillet & Wheeler is dedicated to improving the quality of life in Southern California. We do this by helping plaintiffs secure just compensation in courts and by supporting many worthwhile charity and nonprofit organizations that are making a difference in our community. One of these organizations is Autism Speaks, the premiere of autism advocacy groups in the country.

Last Saturday families from around Southern California participated in the 2014 Walk Now For Autism Speaks event. More than 55,000 people attended the walk, which was held at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. The event raised $1.68 million for Autism Speaks.

“It’s an excellent chance to come on down and be with family and friends, and just really work together towards moving towards awareness and meaningful research for our kids,” said Autism Speaks’ L.A. Chairman Mark Woodsmall, who has a son with autism.

Autism Is the Term Given to a Variety of Cognitive Disorders Characterized by Difficulties in Communication and Social Interaction

Although autism and autism spectrum disorders are often associated with intellectual disabilities, some people with autism excel in art, math, music and visual skills.

There are currently around 2 million people around the country living with autism. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that 1 in 68 American children will be diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. Autism is more common in boys, with 1 in 42 boys receiving a diagnosis (compared to 1 in 189 girls).

Autism Speaks Is the World’s Leading Autism Advocacy and Research Organization

It was founded in 2005 by the parents of an autistic child. In the past decade, the organization has dedicated more than $200 million to autism research. More than 100 North American cities hold Walk Now for Autism Speaks events.
